The winner will receive:
1. A full photo session with her immediate family (mom, dad & kids) at the location of choice in the Winston-Salem area
2. A beautiful 11x14 print
3. Discounts on additional products
Here's how to enter:
1. Become a fan on Facebook
2. Comment on our Facebook page or blog about the deserving mom that you want to nominate. You do not have to use her full name.
3. Email with the deserving mom's name, phone number and email.
The contest starts now and ends at 11:59pm on Saturday, May 8th. The winner will be announced and contacted on Mother's Day.
Since there is no way I would be able to choose the winner on my own (what mom isn't deserving?), the winner will be chosen randomly.
Good luck!
What's a post without pictures, right? Here are some of the beautiful moms that I've had the pleasure of photographing.

I love your mommy pics. There's nothing as beautiful as a moment between mother and child captured on film for eternity!!
I want to enter my amazing mom for your Mother's day giveaway. She's the epitome of selfless. I cannot count the times and ways she has sacrificed for my sister and I over the years. And we'd love to have one of your beautiful photos with her.
I would like to enter my friend Becky Reynolds in your Mother's Day giveaway. She's a great Mom of three kids and is always doing for others. What a fantastic way to reward such a selfless and caring Mom!
Becky M.
Sounds like some great moms! Thanks for entering them.
There are so many deserving moms out there that I know and would love to nominate. The job of a mom can be compare to no other. Each of us has our own special way of performing that job and trying to perfect it. I have been blessed to be surrounded by so many fabulous moms that set a good example not only for their own families, but for other moms. That being said, I would like to nominate Angie as the most deserving mom for this contest. Angie is a mother of four and has recently been diagnosed with cancer. None of us know how we will react or act if faced with this news, but I can only hope that I would be able to be half as strong as Angie during such a time of desperation. Angie is not only showing strength for her family, but she is doing it for others. She has decided to share her experience on the CaringBridge website. She is using her faith in God to carry herself and her family through this experience. This is a quote from Angie that she posted on CaringBridge: " We ask for your ongoing prayers for healing and for our family as we begin. Our prayer of course is for physical healing, but even above that my prayer is that God will use this cancer to show off HIS POWER. I pray that I will not miss what HE has to teach me and mine through this.....I will not waste this cancer." What an incredible message to send to her children and everyone reading her journal.
Angie is a deserving mom.
Wow Tanna, that was beautiful! Good luck to your friend to beat cancer and in the contest.
I'm sorry Nicole, I still can't figure out how to be a fan! Maybe you can teach me this week. I'd like to nominate my mother in law, Betty. She is the cream of the crop as far as mother in law's go and we are lucky to have her close by. She would love one of your beautiful photos of her and the grandkids. Thanks for doing this Nicole!
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